Graphics Contexts

Graphics Contexts — A shared pool of GdkGC objects


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

GdkGC*              gtk_gc_get                          (gint depth,
                                                         GdkColormap *colormap,
                                                         GdkGCValues *values,
                                                         GdkGCValuesMask values_mask);
void                gtk_gc_release                      (GdkGC *gc);


These functions provide access to a shared pool of GdkGC objects. When a new GdkGC is needed, gtk_gc_get() is called with the required depth, colormap and GdkGCValues. If a GdkGC with the required properties already exists then that is returned. If not, a new GdkGC is created. When the GdkGC is no longer needed, gtk_gc_release() should be called.


gtk_gc_get ()

GdkGC*              gtk_gc_get                          (gint depth,
                                                         GdkColormap *colormap,
                                                         GdkGCValues *values,
                                                         GdkGCValuesMask values_mask);

Gets a GdkGC with the given depth, colormap and GdkGCValues. If a GdkGC with the given properties already exists then it is returned, otherwise a new GdkGC is created. The returned GdkGC should be released with gtk_gc_release() when it is no longer needed.

depth :

the depth of the GdkGC to create.

colormap :

the GdkColormap (FIXME: I don't know why this is needed).

values :

a GdkGCValues struct containing settings for the GdkGC.

values_mask :

a set of flags indicating which of the fields in values has been set.

Returns :

a GdkGC.

gtk_gc_release ()

void                gtk_gc_release                      (GdkGC *gc);

Releases a GdkGC allocated using gtk_gc_get().

gc :

a GdkGC.